Students of Intermedia at the Velikotarnovski University

Stella Mancheva Karailieva
Born in 2003 in Kazanlak. In 2022 she graduated from NUPID "Dechko Uzunov" in Kazanlak with a degree in "Spatial Design". She has been involved in music and fine arts since early childhood, and in 11th grade developed a strong interest in digital art and 3D graphics. After graduation he entered the University of St. She graduated from the University of St. St. Kiril and Metodii in Veliko Tarnovo with a degree in Drawing and Intermedia. Together with his colleagues he developed the interlude project "Homo Vespertilio", participating in the creation of the initial idea and the musical design, responsible for 3D modeling, 3D animation and digital image processing for the project.
Radi Goranov
Born in 2002 in the town of Koinare, Pleven, graduates NGPI Trevnenska Shkola with Woodcarving. He was accepted in 2022 in the University of St. St. Kiril and Metodii in Veliko Tarnovo, "Drawing and Intermedia". He works in many styles of fine art, most often icon painting, wood carving and sculpture. Together with his colleagues he participated in the project "Homo Vespertilio", taking part in the development of the initial idea and making the pedestals necessary for the exposure of the props.
Rada Andreeva Doncheva
Rada Andreeva Doncheva (pseudonym Kai) was born in 2002 in the town of Samokov. She graduated from NUPID "Dechko Uzunov" in Kazanlak in 2021 with a degree in Graphic Arts. She has been involved in drawing and music since childhood. In 2022 Rada was accepted in the University of St. St. Kiril and Metodii in Veliko Tarnovo, "Drawing and Intermedia". She participates in the project "Homo Vespertilio" together with colleagues from the specialty. She plays the role of scriptwriter, makes props for the project and participates in the creation of the initial idea, musical design and sound design of the film.
Andrea Dimitrova
Born in 2003 in Sofia. Graduated from the Emilian Stanev High School in Veliko Tarnovo. She has been involved in art since an early age and continues to build herself as an artist. In 2021, for the project/exhibition "Sunny Water", Andrea participated in the design of a poetry book by Nezabravka Apostolova (Sunny Water), as an illustrator of the poem "Sunny Water". In 2022 she entered the University of St. St. Kiril and Metodii in Veliko Tarnovo, "Drawing and Intermedia". Together with her colleagues from the specialty, she worked on "Homo Vespertilio" and participated in developing the idea of the project and filmed a number of shots used in the video.
Valentin Alexandrov Sabinov
Born in Haskovo in 2002. Graduated from NUPID "Dechko Uzunov" with a degree in Graphics in 2021.
In 2022 he was admitted to the University of St. St. Kiril and Metodii in Veliko Tarnovo, "Drawing and Intermedia". In the project "Homo Vespertilio" he participated with the processing of digital images and the creation of 2D animation to the video for the project.