Veronika Akopova

Veronika Akopova is a dancer and choreographer, co-founder of bok o bok. She is interested in the sensitive relationship between dance, nature and technology.
Born in Tbilisi, Georgia, Veronika graduated from Moscow State University, Paris-Sorbonne and ACTS École de danse contemporaine de Paris.
As a performer, she has worked with Ivan Perez at the Heidelberg Dance Theatre, with the Israeli company C.a.t.a.m.o.n dance group and with Sylvain Grode for his dance interventions in hospitals.
In 2015 he created his first solo, Entrelacs, which was a finalist in several international festivals. In 2016 he directed the dance video Catharsis, best student film and opening film at the Cinedans festival in Amsterdam, which also won awards at Bestias Danzantes in Santiago de Chile and InShadow in Lisbon.
Veronika is the winner of the 2020 award of the Fonds Régional pour les Talents Émergents (FoRTE Île-de-France) with her project Flying bodies across the fields, presented at the Centre Pompidou, the Biennale EXPERIMENTA and the French Institute in Côte d'Ivoire.
In 2022, he was a guest artist at GAES (Groupe Artistique d'Exploration Scientifique) for Artificial Intelligence, organized by Atelier des Sciences des Arts (L'Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences), Quai des Savoirs in Toulouse, MIAI Grenoble and ANITI.
Veronika is a prizewinner in the "Mondes nouveaux" programme run by the French Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the Centre des monuments nationau.